Personal & Prof. Dev.

Living Single: Appreciating life alone by Jasmine Tate

“Love is the only label that never goes out of style,” according to Carrie Bradshaw of the hit TV and movie series, “Sex and the City.” It’s definitely a hot topic as we transition into summer. Being surrounded by love, I began to think about my love life and the fact that I’ve been on two dates in the last two years and haven’t been off the market since my junior year in high school. Living single has taught me a lot about love and life. For now, I’ll focus on the latter. 

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True Colors Revealed by Jasmine Tate

When one of my friends invited me to a True Colors Workshop recently, I accepted the invitation before knowing what it was about or what it would require. True Colors is a tool that uncovers key social information to help users understand and collaborate better.

The system highlights four colors: orange, gold, green and blue. Each color represents a different personality type and, through a test and reflection, identifies an individual’s primary color. 

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Emotional Walls: Working through feelings by Jasmine Tate

I don't talk about my mom much in effort to avoid the pain. Distraction has been the best way for me to work around my feelings. 

I allow myself two days per year to feel the pain, the anniversary of her death and Mother's Day,  and have taken those days off when necessary for the last few years. When I heard United Way would be hosting a School Makeover Project to transform the elementary school in a low income neighborhood, I debated on whether or not I should move forward with my plans to take the day off. I decided to work and help hundreds of other volunteers make an impact. Today marked the first time in my life I've lived longer without her than I knew her on earth. Because I was distracted by work, I didn't have much time to think or feel. 

"Leave your feelings at the door," is a statement that's been heard and repeated by many over the several decades. Although sometimes necessary it's often hard to do. As I silently mourned my mother's death, I felt gratitude for the people, tools and practices that help me push through emotions, good or bad.

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Inland Empire Empowerment: What I learned at the 2018 Inland Prosperity Conference by Jasmine Tate

Last Friday I attended my first conference of 2018. Leaders around the Inland Empire joined together in the spirit of growth at this year's Inland Prosperity Conference. There were a few men in attendance, but the #PowerOfWomen definitely dominated the room. Keep reading for the women, tips and quotes that grabbed my attention most. 

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