Five lists to reference or update every day / by Jasmine Tate

Lists and spreadsheets are a way of life for me. I get satisfaction from seeing lists fill with inspiration, answered prayers and celebrations and even more excited when I get to check boxes next to written tasks. I have a list and spreadsheet for just about every area of my life, but this post is for you and five lists you can use every day to stay organized, inspired and prepared for productivity and success.

Goals & Objectives

Some people make a vision board at the beginning of each year. If you’re like me and don’t want to spend time sifting through images or magazines to find what you’re looking for or you’re not a fan of creative projects, lists are a great alternative.

I always add my goals for the year to my Life Sheet, a spreadsheet that includes different aspects of my life. I also write down the same list and insert it into my bible. Reviewing it on a daily basis helps me ensure that I’m doing something everyday to reach my goals and objectives, and both are equally important. At the end of the year when I look back on my year I can see my goals and how I was intentional about achieving them but also how they were enhanced by people and experiences that I didn’t plan or create. I love seeing how God moved in my life and see proof of blessings exceedingly and abundantly above all I asked, thought or planned.

When you think about your life and what you want it to look like it’s easy to categorize your goals based on it. List out your goals and objectives, view them often and let them drive you into action.


Health Goal: To enhance my diet with more vegetables.

Health Objective: Eat at least one vegetable dish per day for lunch or dinner

Action Item: Add broccoli to my weekly to-do list

Time-sensitive tasks and projects

When it comes to your personal and professional life there are always things that need to happen today or this week. Capture those things in your digital or physical calendar. A physical planner works best for me. I figured out a system that works and I’ve used it since college. I write my work tasks in blue in one column and my personal tasks in black on the other side of my planner. Whether it’s drafting an email or mailing a Birthday package, write everything down.

Long-term tasks and projects

There never seem to be enough hours in a day and as exciting as it is to check boxes from daily and weekly to do lists, it’s equally disappointing to see them left unchecked. I have a separate notepad for those tasks and projects that are not time sensitive.


“Failing to plan is planning to fail. “


I read that quote in middle school and have never forgot it. I’m a natural bulk shopper, and I always like to have more than enough. So when I open a new box of soap and there are only two left in the package or I’ve eaten 9 of the 18 eggs in a carton, I add them to my ongoing shopping list. I recently joined the Apple Watch Family and the Shopping List feature is my favorite and most used. I love saying “Siri add “this” to my shopping list. It makes me so happy to access it when I make my weekly (turned bi-weekly due to COVID-19) store runs.

Create an ongoing shopping list in your phone or checklist to stay on top of your needs in all areas of your life. If you have a family, purchase a notepad and add it to the refrigerator or near the door. Anytime someone uses the last of the milk or refills the paper towel roll knowing there’s only one left, establish a rule that they must add it to the Shopping List.

Scriptures, Quotes or Affirmations

As a Christian, I start each morning with God including time in prayer and a devotional. Anytime I reference a scripture that I particularly like I add it to my “Verse of the Day” pinned list in my iPhone notes. I often look back at it when I want to inspire someone else or be inspired. I also have a story highlight on my Instagram that I reference often. For those who aren’t Christians or believers, affirmations and quotes are a great alternative.

Words can come together to paint beautiful pictures and make us feel an array of emotions. Whether I’m reading, listening to a podcast, watching TV or engaging in dialogue, anytime I hear a quote that I like I write it down or add it to my “Quote of the Day” list also pinned to the top of my iPhone notes.

Words are powerful and viewing or adding to a daily list of quotes is sure to give you a boost of energy, reminder of who you are or what you can do or if nothing else make you smile.

Are you a “list person?” Which of the six lists above do you use regularly and which will you start? Share below or connect with me on social media.

(Virtual) Hugs & Handshakes,
Jasmine C. Tate