Social Screening: Where to draw the line on social sharing / by Jasmine Tate

I am a private person by nature. I enjoy having a personal life and keeping it personal. With the growth of social media popularity and platforms, privacy became seemingly less normal, and people became more comfortable sharing every detail of their lives.

There is a reason for passwords to bank accounts, curtains on voting booths, locks on doors and zippers on britches. Everything is not meant to be shared with everyone. Save some details and experiences for yourself and people who are a part of your personal life. “Social surfing” becomes exhausting when strolling down timelines and moods change within seconds based on the information consumed.

As I turned the page to Chapter 24 last week, I was grateful for the opportunity to relive memories and experiences that I was able to share with my social media family, friends and followers. I was also relieved that there were people and elements of my journey that I chose not to share with the world.

Although information shared is ultimately a matter of preference, it’s definitely smart to be an objective gatekeeper of your platforms and how others perceive you based on what you release. While it is sometimes hard not to share, I try to remember five rules before posting.  

1.       Share experiences and accomplishments versus feelings. Most people enjoy following your journey more than your drama.

2.       Call a close friend or family member and avoid social media when you’re emotional. Keep your anger and frustration away from social media.

3.       Protect your personal space like its personal information. If you wouldn’t allow a complete stranger into your home or bedroom, don’t give them a virtual tour.

4.       Make sure your social media presence is a reflection of who you are. What do your posts say about you?

5.     Keep your finances, controversial discussions, sexual preferences and relationship issues offline. People often misinterpret meanings and will remember judge you based on your posts long after you've moved on.  

It's more important now than ever to be responsible and accountable for your social media thumbprint and what you post. Once you publish posts can live on forever whether you like it or not. 

Where do you draw the line when it comes to sharing with your audience on social media? Share below.

