When I look back over my life and I think things over, I can truly say that I’ve been blessed. I have a testimony.
These are words I heard my mom sing as a kid countless times before and during her battle with cancer and words that are and have been true in my life.
Pastor Jared Kirkwood welcomes participants to the program.
Ten weeks ago, I began a journey to connect with God, my new church home and community through a program called Rooted.
I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. Part of me wanted to discover that I’ve been missing something significant in my walk with Christ. Another wanted to be reassured that I am on the right track and that God is pleased and still using me for His will.
I also had a strong desire to find the community I had heard so many pastors preach about.
Since moving to California I’ve realized how strong my relationship with God and my immediate family really is and how easy it is to rely on that and not put in as much effort in nurturing and sustaining relationships beyond them.
Although my dad and siblings are always just a phone call, FaceTime, email or text away, they’re also many miles, states and a plane ride away. In that truth my transition has been challenging over the last three years, and while I am an extremely social person and will talk to anyone, I’ve often longed for deeper connections.
Through this program I got what I expected. My parents and family followed Proverbs 22:6; “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” During this process silenced doubt that something could be missing and got the reassurance I wanted about my walk with Christ. I was taught everything I need to know and putting it into practice, but what I did discover is tools of my faith I should activate more including fasting and sharing Christ and my story with others.
I saw this during the week before my birthday. I went to work on Friday with a feeling of heaviness I had never felt before. I have joy inside of me that I couldn’t tap into for the first time. After work on that Friday I cried for hours and made several phone calls. The last was to my aunt Gwen. I can’t tell you the last time I called her, but she still answered. She made time for me; she prayed with me, and she stayed on the phone with me until I fell asleep. That call meant so much to me. In the next few days I still carried the weight I was feeling until we reached a segment of the curriculum that required us to fast. I couldn’t understand what was wrong with me or why I couldn’t seem to find my joy. I just wanted it to be over. I took the morning off and spent time with God. Through that experience I saw the true power of fasting, and I entered the second part of my day relieved and free.
I started Rooted with hundreds of people at Mariners in all stages of their faith and gained sisters in a group of 20 women through ten weeks of vulnerability, prayer, devotion, fasting, service and much more.
We all witnessed transformations and my fasting experience is one of many that took place in our lives. We saw people accept Christ and step into their identity in Him and we have truly begun the start of something beautiful that God is orchestrating in our lives, church and communities.
What’s next?
We’re entering a week of Thanksgiving with much to be grateful for after visiting our past, embracing who we are in Christ, what God is doing in our lives now and what He has in store for our future.
I accepted the assignment to walk and co-lead these women in a life group, and I’m excited about this next chapter in our journey together and how God will continue to use us for His will.
Thank you for reading my testimony. Have you ever participated in Rooted or a similar program in your church or community? Are you interested in learning more? Let’s connect!
Hugs & Handshakes,
Jasmine C. Tate