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In a world full of trends, follow Jesus.
Although there are millions of believers around the globe sometimes it can seem like you’re alone in your walk with Christ. The world’s distractions can often surround you from social media to radio and television. Before moving to California, I never felt outnumbered by unbelievers. Since I’ve moved I’ve grown a deeper relationship with God and a stronger faith. Although it hasn’t always seemed easy incorporating Jesus into all areas of my life has been helpful in keeping my eyes on the Lord. Here’s three ways to help you stay focused too.
1. Follow other believers, pastors and churches on social media
Once I open a social media app, I often look up shocked by the amount of time that has passed. By infusing other believers into my friends, fans and connections, Jesus shows up and prevents me from consuming world-exclusive content. I always smile when I come across scriptures and words of encouragement.
2. Always have a bible near.
In college I always felt guilty walking through the student union without accepting the pocket bibles often distributed. Because of my inability to ignore them or say no I have several and keep one near at all times.
Whether you have an app on your phone or a pocket version, the bible is a valuable tool and weapon. You should always have one close.
3. Spend time with other believers outside of church.
While it can be easy to get wrapped up in the business of life, spending time with others can bring you comfort and support in times of need and accountability when you’re dealing with life’s challenges.
How do you saturate your life with faith? Share below.
Jasmine C. Tate